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Customization of open-source products

  • Do you need to tweak BioPython tools?

  • Customize Integrated Genome Browser?

  • Manage tranSMART installation?

  • Connect tool "A" to tool "B"?

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Example of Prior Work

ISA Tools

  • Debugged open-source tool
  • Made UI customizations
  • Added lookups to a custom ontology service alternative to BioPortal


Customer: Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

  • Developed a solution for fast processing of large FASTQ files
  • Bypass space and concurrent user restrictions of
  • Built an easily reproducible environment
  • Deployed customer-specific web and command line tools not available in standard Galaxy package (e.g. tools to shuffle the reads to improve mapping quality; Bismark and BSMAP for bisulfite sequencing (methylation analysis), etc.)
  • Maintained a self-contained instance of Galaxy using Oracle’s Virtual Box
  • Optimized product performance

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